The WorldofMoney online course consists of a total of 160 financial lessons for ages 7 – 21. The stand alone, self-guided course provides animated and whiteboard videos taught by WorldofMoney graduates as well as financial lessons, activities and quizzes. WorldofMoney mentors will also provide scheduled live inspirational check ins. An Artificial Intelligence course is provided as well as live Mandarin Chinese online classes. Upon successful course completion, new moguls will receive a certificate of completion.
Level One of each age group teaches financial basics. Level Two provides a needed deeper instruction of financial education and an online Artificial Intelligence course.
Please note: Successful completion of Level One is required for enrollment in Level Two.
On average each lesson, takes from 30 minutes to one hour.
Once enrolled, you will receive one lesson daily.
The WorldofMoney online course is an innovative financial education platform. This accessible 24-hour, 7 days per week online course will not replace our Institute. Our online course will financially education children globally. Due to COVID-19, when it is safe to do so, the Institute will resume in New York City.
All youth need financial education! Thus, we are proud to welcome all children, ages 7 – 21, economically and culturally diverse; who have a seeking spirit financial and entrepreneurial education. WorldofMoney is open to all children.
Credit and debit cards are accepted in any currency.
The online registration course fee is non-refundable or transferable.
WorldofMoney provides adult online webinars several times annually. Please be sure to register for our newsletter at